Iris Li

Design Portfolio

Iris is a New York based digital marketing specialist with an affinity for art and design. She hopes to leverage her creative background to transition into a more design centric career.

Mock Up

Mock up of a skincare inventory app made on Sketch and compiled in Adobe Photoshop.

Case Study (WIP)

Instagram Story Filter

Graphic Design Project


I designed original instagram story filters as a hypothetical project for popular online publication PopSugar. The style of the filters were inspired by the VHS era as exemplified by audiovisual motifs such as the play button, stop button, fast forward button, etc.

Another iconic imagery from VHS was the rainbow band that stretched across the tape's packaging. I decided to limit the color palette of the rainbow band in order to pay a more subtle homage.

PopSugar's is known for its vibrant and playful image so I added squiggly elements to the designs for more movement and whimsicality. I chose a vibrant punch of neon green to help liven up the mostly analogous color palette.

This project was created primarily in Adobe Illustrator then compiled in Adobe Photoshop.

Digital Paintings Gallery

Animation & Video

A psycho thriller short film I co-wrote while studying abroad in Madrid. I also participated in dressing the set as a Mise-en-scene staff.

Yet another thriller short. This was written, directed, shot and edited by me. This short was edited using Avid Media Composer and sound mix with Audacity.

A comical 20 second animation of a music box, created using Autodesk Maya 3D Software.


The beauty industry exploded in the last decade and it is now valued at more than 500 billion dollars. As the value of the industry grew, this also meant that the amount of beauty products the average consumer owns is also expanding. In order to help beauty buyers to better manage their growing collection, I conceptualized an organizer app that is simple to use and visually on par with the beauty consumer's aesthetics so to encourage continued use.


First, I identified and examined other popular inventory tracking tools that beauty users are currently using to manage their products. Through examining the competitor tools, I was able to determine which features were most desirable as well as which feature were still lacking from those tools. A Variety of beauty users were also interviewed in order to gauge the main functions of the app.

Most Mentioned Desired Features:

Expiration DatePrice of ItemAid in the Repurchasing Process

Besides keeping inventory, beauty users also wanted to keep track of the flow of the product as it goes through its life cycle in their beauty collection.